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Re: violin bows

on 4/9/02 3:01 AM, Monika Feil at mfeil (at) fialke(dot)de wrote:

> Hi Seth,
> my name is Monika Feil, I am a klezmer fiddler based in Erlangen/Germany and
> I am a lover of the old eastern European klezmer violin style. I want to
> tell you my personal thoughts on violin bows in klezmer music:  I grew up
> with a very light bow, but when I got more familiar with klezmer I bought a
> very heavy one. The tone of my light bow is too soft for klezmer I think. I

Hi Monika,

Thanks for your input. I find it interesting that you prefer the heavier bow
for klezmer. One of the bows that I am trying is quite heavy, it does give a
very strong and articulate sound for klezmer. I'd been noticing that on my
previous bow, which is lighter, I was playing too hard, bearing down on the
bow to try and get the tone I wanted, and that was tiresome. Of course, as
you say, I find that it is possible to fatigue the bow arm with the heavier
stick. Thanks again,

Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

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