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Re: The Anthology of Jewish Music

on 4/8/02 2:35 PM, I. Oppenheim at i(dot)oppenheim (at) xs4all(dot)nl wrote:

> What website? I cannot read Russian.
Me either...that's why I used a website translator. 8)

>> Here's a link to the website (mostly translated from Russian to English):
> All this gives is a very helpful:
> Error: Incorrect direction

I copied the wrong URL, I guess. If you go to this page:

you can enter the original web page, w/out the brackets, of course
<> into the form field and then select
"Russian-English translation" from the pull-down menu you can then click the
"Translate" button to translate the page.

It's not perfect, but does get most of the text. You can try other, similar
translators by visiting

hope that helps,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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