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upcoming DC Yiddish dance

This is the press release the Rockville JCC sent out regarding my upcoming gigs 
in DC. 

Yiddish Dance Weekend 
Saturday, April 13, 9 p.m. -- Dance
Sunday, April 14, 7:30 p.m. -- Journey Through the Roots of Yiddish Dance

Details below:
Featuring nationally recognized teacher and authority on authentic Eastern 
European/Yiddish dance STEVE WEINTRAUB. This is his first Washington-area 
appearance in several years. A special opportunity to learn about and practice 
Yiddish folk dance with a master. Steve studied with Alvin Ailey and Eric 
Hawkins and has worked with choreographers Felix Fibich and Shula Kivel, 
performed the work of Fred Berk, and choreographed a production for the Joseph 
Papp Yiddish Theater. He has been acclaimed for his work on the faculty of 
Klezkamp, where he teaches dance during the day and leads the group in 
unforgettable and enjoyable dancing until the wee hours of the morning. He will 
be remembered locally for his skilled teaching under the tent at the 
Smithsonian Foklife Festival in 1998. 

Saturday night, April 13, 9 p.m.
Dance to the Live Music of MiraMarKlezmers,
Instruction by Steve Weintraub
Refreshments will be served.
Admission: $10 in advance, $12 at the door, $8 students with ID.
For advance tickets, contact Tzipora Sofare -- 301-230-3756 or tsofare (at) 

Dancing in a group led by Steve Weintraub is an opportunity to learn from one 
of the real masters in the field and at the same time have a thoroughly 
enjoyable evening. Don't miss it. 

Sunday evening, April 14, 7:30 p.m.
Cafe Kasrilevke presents: 
Journey Through the Roots and Nuances of Klezmer/Jewish Dance
Lecture and dance demonstration 
Refreshments will be served.
Admission: $6 for members of the JCC, Yiddish of Greater Washington, and the 
Workmen's Circle; $8 for the general public
Advance tickets not necessary.
For information, contact Tzipora Sofare --
301-230-3756 or tsofare (at) jccgw(dot)org(dot)
All events at the Jewish Community Center of Greater
Washington, 6125 Montrose Road, Rockville MD 20852

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