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Re: The Anthology of Jewish Music

On Mon, 8 Apr 2002, Brian Dichter wrote:

> you can enter the original web page
> into the form field and then
> select "Russian-English translation"

Well, here is that translation. I wished that my
command of Russian was as good as that of the


19.03.2002, 16:35
" The Mystery of the Sound " has given the present gift
to numerous fans(amateurs) and admirers of the Jewish
national culture, having issueed ???????? a collection
of the Jewish national songs and tool compositions - "
the Anthology of the Jewish Music ".
"ANTHOLOGY" consists of 10 compact discs and represents
musical assembly of the rare collection records
laboriously collected and incorporated by uniform
Incorporated the best products of the Jewish national
and author's music of XX century, the Anthology, the
occurrence, gives a unique opportunity to recollect and
grow fond surprising ???????? and colour of traditional
Jewish music.
The multivolume ANTHOLOGY of the JEWISH MUSIC offered
to your attention " Yiddishe Momme " - the unique
encyclopedia of the most popular national and author's
Jewish melodies and songs on a yiddish, in records of
first half XX century. On compact discs of the given
anthology you will hear voices of the most known,
becoming already legendary, executors: actors of
theatre, cinema and platforms, ???????? and ?????????.
More than ten hours of original sounding of this music
- not only brief digression to a history, but also
attempt of preservation and revival of the richest
heritage of the Jewish culture to Russia, the Western
Europe and America.
In imperial and postrevolutionary Russia XX centuries
the Jewish songs entered the name and issued extremely
seldom, despite of their huge popularity and
The general(common) catalogue of all Russian firms
??????????? on the given subjects makes no more than
120 soundtracks.

A series consists of the following disks:
1. Popular Jewish national songs on a yiddish, written
down and issued in the USSR.
2. The Jewish national songs and prays in
execution(performance) ????????. 1904 - 1936
3. The Jewish national ceremonial and celebratory
4. Satirical and celebratory songs 1910 - 1935
5. The Jewish songs of memory and grief 1910 - 1940
6. ????? ????????. Masterpieces of singing skill 1922 -
7. Ceremonial both dancing songs and melodies of
8. Music ?????????, 1911-1949
9. " ???? ?????? - masterpieces ??????????? music,
records 1924-1950 ??."
10. " The Jewish platform and theatre of the beginning
of XX century "

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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