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Re: Passover songs Printing

Hi Robert,

In a message dated 3/26/02 9:55:03 PM, rlcm17 (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

>FWIW, once again when I try to print out these reviews, they print out
>the right margins truncated.

I'm sorry you're having problems. I tried printing out a page of the reviews 
and it printed out fine with very generous left and right margins. However I 
am on a Macintosh using the AOL browser. You may be using a different browser 
and on a PC so maybe they are configured differently. Check out what your 
margins are in the Page Setup (under the file menu)--maybe they are set 
incorrectly (very small?) for the browser and outside the margins of your 
>This only seems to happen with print-outs on this list--maybe all of them
>from the KlezmerShack.  Ari, is there a way of reconfiguring these reviews
>so that won't happen?  Or does anyone else have any ideas (appropriate
>*very* beginning computer users!)?
I have two recommendations which should work on either platform and are not 
too hard to do. Under the file menu, or whatever is the name of the menu you 
click on to print something out, there should be another choice nearby 
labeled "page setup" or something similar (I'm sorry, I don't work at all in 
the Windows world). Select that choice. The window that opens up should have 
a "scaling" choice (or some similar wording) where the default choice is 
100%. Change that choice to say 80% and click OK to close the page. Now try 
printing. You may have to experiment with different percentages of scaling 
until it prints the whole page at a readable size.

The other possibility is a little more complex, and it won't reprint 
pictures. Do what you need to do to select the text that you want to copy (we 
Mac-o's Click and Drag the mouse to select text, or can "select all" in the 
file menu--you probably will have to right click or something if you are in 
windows). Under the Edit menu (or whatever it is called in Windows) there is 
a "copy" choice. Select "copy" and it will copy the selected text to the 
clipboard. Open up a new blank e-mail letter as if you were going to e-mail 
someone. Put the cursor with the mouse into the body of the letter as if you 
were going to write something there. But instead, go back up to the edit menu 
and select "paste," and it will paste the selected text into the body of the 
letter. Now you can edit the text any way you want to--change the size, the 
typeface, etc., and print it out the same way you print out a hard copy of an 
e-mail letter and the margins should print just fine if your printing of 
other e-mails also looks OK. You can even save this letter if you want to.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes,

Steve Barnett
Barnett Music Productions
BarMusProd (at) aol(dot)com 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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