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"Say It In Yiddish" (Yiddish for Travelers), YIVO folks, etc.

re: the "Say It In Yiddish" book, Bine Weinreich (my former colleague at the 
YIVO Institute) very kindly gave us permission to use an excerpt of it in the 
artwork for Metropolitan Klezmer's debut CD, Yiddish for Travelers.  It's 
part of the design on the back cover/traycard.  People often comment on it.  
Nice because it includes Yiddish alef-beys, plus transliteration and 
translation too!  

I wonder if Chabon ever contacted Bine to ask about her thoughts in writing 
that book.  And by the way, that linguist on NPR was Sam Norich, former 
director of YIVO in the mid/late '80s and early '90s (the heyday of klezmorim 
on day-job payroll there), who now works as head of the Forward.  Sam was 
born in a DP camp.  His sister, Anita Norich, is a scholar.  

 - Eve Sicular, drummer/bandleader
Metropolitan Klezmer & Isle of Klezbos
151 First Avenue #145
NYC  10003  USA
tel: 212-475-4544
fax: 212-677-6304
sicular (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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