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Re: klezmer paper

In a message dated 3/10/02 5:47:54 PM, tunap (at) superonline(dot)com writes:

<< 1) Begining of Klezmer
2) Klezmer during 2.World war in Europe
3)Klezmer in States
   a. Klezmer in 80's
   b. Revival of Klezmer
4) Klezmer after 2.World war in Europe
5) Klezmer today

It seems very strange to start the American phase in the 1980s, considering 
that it was already going strong here in the 1880s (maybe you mean the 
1880s!).  Anyhow, you should certainly read Mark Slobin's book (Fiddler on 
the Move), and Zev Feldman's article before going any further.  Also, some 
folks on the list may have heard Zev lecture on "The Five Periods on 
Klezmer."  -Hankus 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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