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Re: Lorele's article on Yiddish dance published

Every so often, I get requests from people all over the world, looking for
people to teach Yiddish dance in their communities.  The last one I posted
was from someone in Vancouver.  For the past year, he's been showing dance
folk in his community my web page, trying to entice someone to take the bait
and get interested in leading this type of dancing.  So far he hasn't been
able to entice anyone.  People who haven't ever seen Yiddish dance, don't
feel comfortable getting up and teaching/leading it.  There need to be more
opportunities for dance leaders to learn it in order to begin teaching and
leading it within their own communities.  I think there have been more
workshop events this year than last year (at least based on my unscientific
web surveillance).  It will probably take some time and much effort to
create learning opportunities to reintroduce this dance form within the
Helen Winkler
winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
Calgary Folkdance Fridays

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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