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Re: "redux"

Michael Spudic remonstrated with me that he should get at least a nickel 
back since his Webster 3 (as Dwight MacDonald famously called the Third 
Edition in his legendary NEW YORKER review) does not have an entry for 
"redux."  Of course I had checked that before sharing the defs. that I *did* 
find in other dictionaries (including the more recent Merriam Webster 
College dictionary, 10th edition) and am, as I advised Michael, puzzled by 
its absence.  I suspect that "redux" enjoyed a resugence as an English word 
after the Third came out--in 1962, apparently--which means that we have the 
post-60s phenomenon (really!) of

"redux" redux !


Robert Cohen

(and thanks, Ilana)

>Robert -
>Bravo -
>I love having word fiends as well as musicians on the same list -

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