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Re: Woody Guthrie's Jewish songs (Israel)

Yasher koach!  (which is the more accurate way of saying what we now often 
colloquially convey by "Mazel tov!")  Good for your and the other composers.

The movie "The Travellers:  This Land Is Your Land" revolves around the 
Canadian version of the song, which may have been one of the first non-USA 

--Robert Cohen

>There are at least four Israel versions of "This Land ..." that I know of 
>including mine (written with a friend in 1977, I believe):
>This land is your land, this land is my land
> >From the port of Eilat to the Golan highlands
> >From the Mediterranian to the Jordan's waters
>G-d gave this land to you and me.
>It's written in the Torah, in the Mishnah and Gomorrah
>That we must love G-d and follow His Torah
>No doubt about it so sing and shout it:
>G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus
>Not just to Abraham, not just to Solomon
>Not just to anyone but to Jews, every one
>Moshiach Tzidkenu, bimherah biyamenu
>G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus
>Then will be heard in Yerushalayim
>The voice of bride and the voice of bridegroom
>In songs of joy and celebration
>G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus

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