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Re: Woody Guthrie's Jewish songs

Woody's Chanukah song is a show-stopper, tells the story "better than the
movie". I appeared in Sing Out in the summer of '68.

There are at least four Israel versions of "This Land ..." that I know of
including mine (written with a friend in 1977, I believe):

This land is your land, this land is my land
>From the port of Eilat to the Golan highlands
>From the Mediterranian to the Jordan's waters
G-d gave this land to you and me.

It's written in the Torah, in the Mishnah and Gomorrah
That we must love G-d and follow His Torah
No doubt about it so sing and shout it:
G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus

Not just to Abraham, not just to Solomon
Not just to anyone but to Jews, every one
Moshiach Tzidkenu, bimherah biyamenu
G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus

Then will be heard in Yerushalayim
The voice of bride and the voice of bridegroom
In songs of joy and celebration
G-d gave this land to you and me!        chorus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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