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RE: Woody Guthrie's Jewish songs

> Maybe Arlo remembers the tunes. Anybody game to ask? Anybody have his
> address?

Arlo knows some of the tunes. So does Oscar Brand, who sang a few of these
in concert last summer here at the Guthrie Center here in Great Barrington.

There was talk a few years back about the Klezmatics working with Nora
Guthrie (Arlo's
sister) on turning some of Woody's Jewish childrens songs into something,
maybe even
a whole recording. Maybe Lorin Sklamberg could update us on these plans and
sort of material he's seen or heard.

> > Indeed he was (Arlo apparently had a gevalt bar mitzvah with the
> > Weavers in attendance),

and the officiating rabbi was a guy name of Meir Kahane. I kid you not.

Seth Rogovoy
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"even the most clueless goy will be able to appreciate this art form" --
Linda Daily Paulson, Dirty Linen Magazine

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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