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Re: mailinglist was RE: WANTED!

on 2/5/02 6:28 PM, Ari Davidow at ari (at) ivritype(dot)com wrote:

> Well, this particular instance makes an excellent case in point. Several hours
> before I got home, someone =did=- post instructions to the list on how to
> unsubscribe.
> The subscriber was still subscribed when I got home, saw the posts, and took
> care of the matter.
> I've been managing online communities for about 15 years now. People needed
> help 15 years ago, too. There are now mailing lists where I have to scroll
> down a screen or two each list to find out what the message is--and the
> relative number of people who need help hasn't changed. That's why I'm
> inclined to do my best to be there when people need help, but am not convinced
> more verbiage in each message helps more than it hinders. (People who have
> worked in user interface for years like to talk about those dialogue boxes
> that come up when you're, say, trying to delete a file. "Are you sure?" they
> ask. Instead of reading the messages when it matters, people learn to press
> the "enter" key, even before they're able to engage their heads and remember
> that they needed to save the file. Ask smokers how many read the lines on
> their cigarette boxes about killing themselves.)
> Anyway, I get verbose.
> ari
good point!

"War does not determine who is right--only who is left." --Bertrand Russell

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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