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Re: translations, please!!

On Sun, 3 Feb 2002, Robert Cohen wrote:

> Can Irwin, or someone, please translate!!!

Dear Robert,

Unfortunately I'm not capable enough to translate to English.
But I'm sure there are some "native speakers" on this list
that understand German as well.
Can anyone help out?

> BTW, I'm surprised that "redux" wasn't in whatever dictionary was
> consulted, but it's quite frequently encountered in English--in popular
> journalism and, for that matter, e-mail lists (where, of course, _I've_
> used it).  I would encourage its continued use; in an e-mail subject
> head, it's concise and informative!

I just checked the online dictionary at
and found the following information:

> One entry found for redux.
> Main Entry: re·dux
> Pronunciation: (")rE-'d&ks, 'rE-"
> Function: adjective
> Etymology: Latin, returning, from reducere to lead back
> Date: 1873
> : brought back -- used postpositively

So "Redux" seems to be saved for the English language!


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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