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Klezmer Jam Session

The next Klezmer Jam Session at Astoria Center of Israel will be on Feb 13, 
Wednesday, at 7:30 pm.  Please come and jam with us, or just listen if you 
like!  The atmosphere is very casual and friendly - lots of people show up 
just to listen and dance.  Musicians range from students and amateurs to 
professionals, and so far we've managed just the right mix to make some 
really fun music.  I lead the session and provide charts if people need them.

 This event is free.  Astoria Center of Israel is an egalitarian conservative 
synagogue in a beautiful old building, located at 27-35 Crescent Street in 
Astoria, NY. (N train to 30th Ave) Call 718-278-2680 for directions or more 
 Please come join us!
  Margot Leverett
  "The Art of Klezmer Clarinet" CD on Traditional Crossroads

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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