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Lern Steiger and my mode article

Cantors please correct me if I'm off base here, but the Lern Steiger (i.e.
study mode) seems to be more a motive structure or collection of motif
patterns than a bonified mode or Steiger of its own. The motives used in the
Lern Steiger remain fairly consistent from mode to mode. I probably should
have included them in a chapter on their own in my article, but was told
that the article was already too long, so I cut many things back in hopes of
it seeing the light of day.

People still write to me about that article, a short summary of which
appears on Ari's Klezmer Shack. The original article is 63 pages, and deals
exhaustively mainly with klezmer modal modulation patterns. Year after year
it has been accepted for publication in Musica Judaica, but for some reason
or another has not made it to print. It was written in 1993. I've sent it
out to oodles of people in manuscript form (can't do that anymore). It has
been brissed and used as a syllabus in many workshops and Universities, yet
remains "unborn."

If any publishers are interested in publishing this in hard copy, do write
to me. Joshua Horowitz

> Lori Cahan-Simon wrote:
>> For a fabulous article on the modes by our own Josh Horowitz, see this


> I'm actually missing one steiger in the list:
> the Lern steiger!
> Isn't it used in Klezmer?
> Irwin Oppenheim


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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