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Re: Lern Steiger and my mode article

On Mon, 28 Jan 2002, Joshua Horowitz wrote:

> The Lern Steiger (i.e. study mode) seems to be more a motive structure
> or collection of motif patterns than a bonified mode or Steiger of its
> own. The motives used in the Lern Steiger remain fairly consistent from
> mode to mode.

Dear Josh,

I always understood steigers to be precisely that: collections
of motif patterns.

What else, in your opinion, is necessary to make a steiger a "bonified
mode" ?

> The original article is 63 pages, and deals exhaustively mainly with
> klezmer modal modulation patterns.

Maybe it's a good idea to put a pdf file of the full article on
your web site. I certainly would like to read your complete

Irwin Oppenheim

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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