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Re: levites and music

Just to add to this thread.....

I find this question very interesting.... My father's family are Levites.... 
His father had a wonderful bass voice and served as a lay cantor in his 
congregation.  Before he retired, my father was a professional musician and 
played and sang with the big bands that came through Toronto as well as his 
own band.  One of his brothers also has a beautiful voice but only sings to 
his wife. One of his sisters sang in some Yiddish theatre productions.  The 
son of his non-singing brother is a Lubovitch cantor.  I sing in my 
congregational choir group and sing cantorial solos for high holidays.  Our 
daughter is studying opera.

My husband always scoffs when people comment that our daughter has inherited 
THE FAMILY VOICE.  He comments "What, have they discovered a gene for 
singing?" If someone does the research I can scoff back and tell him there 
is....  Needless to say, his family is Yisrael.  They are all tone deaf.  
Just musicians, but appreciative listeners :}

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