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"ot azoy" - Bob Cohen and Di Naye Kapelye

The CD that Yakov refers to is "Klezmer Music: A Marriage of
Heaven of Earth" (Ellipsis Arts, 1996) - one of three CDs that
include Di Naye Kapelye's "Hangu and Freylachs from Podoloy".

The other two:  our first album on Oriente, simply titled
"Di Naye Kapelye" (1998), and the Rough Guide to Klezmer
(World Music Network, 2000).

Here's how Bob Cohen sings this couplet:

  Ot azoy, ot azoy, tantst mit ale shviger -
  Ot azoy, ot azoy, makht a khosn kinder!

The lyrics are pretty much nonsense lyrics, but they rhyme
(two prime requirements of pop music).

Yankl Falk
Di Naye Kapelye

-----Original Message-----
From: Yakov Chodosh [mailto:ync8 (at) softhome(dot)net]
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 10:40 AM

not ot azoy/git azoi... there's another song called "ot azoy." it's on the
purple CD/book comp where the CD looks like a big jewish star with the
writing written around that shape. it's mostly instrumental. i played it
with some people at klezkamp who played it in "A." anyway, it goes 'long in
A and then there's a section in dminor where you sing...

"ot azoi, ot azoi, something something some-thing,
ot azoi, ot azoi, something something kin-der!"

i can't even find my copy of the cd... does anybody know what these words
are here?

"I hate quotations." - Emerson.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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