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Sephardic Songbook

Meshiakh has not yet arrived, but something else has...

The Sephardic Songbook has just been released by the classical music
publisher, Peters Edition, Frankfurt. It is a collection of 51
Judeo-Spanish tunes from Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece and Bosnia, collected and
edited by Aron Saltiel, one of the leading exponents of the Sephardic music
community and a native speaker of Ladino, with transcriptions and an
extensive introduction by Josh Horowitz.

The book contains the complete texts and music of all songs in
Judeo-Spanish, English and German, complete with annotations, linguistic
details and information about the informants. This book has been 10 years in
the making and was put together meticulously from field recordings which
were made over the past 30 years.

The Sephardic Songbook can be ordered directly in the US by through Josh at:
horowitz (at) budowitz(dot)com

or in Europe at: a_saltiel (at) mail(dot)styria(dot)com

The Sephardic Songbook, Edition Peters, 2001 ISBN 3-87626-222-4 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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