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Re: dancing list

Thanks, Adrianne!  Who's next?

AGREENBA (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> I just sent this message off line, so if there's a list you wish to start,
> here it is for public consumption:
> << I teach Yiddish Dance as part of my band's offerings at a simkhe or at
> concerts. I love teaching and do the following ones:
> bulgar (prefer the circle), hora - slow, 3/8 step - , freylekhs/threading the
> needle, honga, sirba, kolomeyki, under and over. But as I said, it's always
> as part of my band and I would only be able to teach without the band if it's
> a day that I know we wouldn't have a gig.
> Adrianne Greenbaum- Fairfield, CT >>

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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