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klezmer/Yiddish music reviews in new Sing Out magazine

The new issue of Sing Out!, the folk music magazine, includes reviews
of five recent klezmer and Yiddish music CDs, including Yale Strom's
"Garden of Yidn," Wolf Krakowski's "Transmigrations: Gilgul,"
Mikveh's "Mikveh," "THe Rough Guide to Klezmer," and a new
Global Village re-release of old Abe Schwartz sides called "National Hora."

It's the Winter 2002 issue, Vol. 45, No. 5, with Lila Downs on the cover.

Oh, yeah, I forgot .... I'm the reviewer.


Seth Rogovoy (
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"invaluable" -- New York Times
"indispensable" -- George Robinson, Jewish Week

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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