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Re: Rock of (Moroccan) Ages

At 08:41 AM 12/19/01, you wrote:
>Are there other examples of similar transmigrations of Ashkenazi melodies 
>to the north of Morocco?

There's an interesting converse of this phenomenon that took place in 
certain Reform temples at the end of the 19th century (I think Hamburg was 
the location, but I'm not sure.)  In an effort to "refine" the traditional 
liturgical music, it became fashionable for a while to hire Moroccan 
cantors for their "more elegant" Sephardic melodies.  This is rather 
remarkable when you consider that the congregants had to endure the exotic 
pronunciations of these singers along with their music.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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