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new book Juedische Musiktraditionen

Apologies for cross-postings!

We are pleased to announce the publication of:

Rita Ottens/Joel Rubin
Juedische Musiktraditionen (Jewish Musical Traditions)
Musikpraxis in der Schule, Band 4 (Music in the Schools, vol. 4)
ISBN 3-7649-2694-5 
BE 2684, ca. 144 Seiten/pages
mit/with CD DM 49,80
12 December, 2001
Gustav Bosse Verlag , Kassel, Germany

Juedische Musiktraditionen (in German) is intended for use by school
teachers and other interested readers. It provides an introduction to the
spectrum of Jewish music -- religious and secular, Ashkenazic and Sephardic
-- via case studies of selected traditions (with accompanying CD). It
includes a discussion of time-honored questions such as "what is Jewish
music?" and "is there such a thing as Jewish music?," at the same time
deconstructing many of the myths surrounding the subject. The book begins
with a critical essay by Rita Ottens on the problematics related to the
performance, study and reception of Jewish musical traditions in
contemporary Germany.

I would also like to make you aware of a publication which has possibly
escaped your attention. Nine years ago, I recorded a complete live
performance by clarinetist Moshe (Musa) Berlin and his ensemble at the
second Hakafot after Simchat Torah in the Beit ha-Rav Kook Yeshiva in
Jerusalem. Musa has now edited this down to 2 CDs and it is available as
"Aneinu beyom koreinu" (Answer Us on the Day We Call) through Gal-Paz
records in Jerusalem.
Elyashiv Berlin, drums (most of the time)
Yechiel Greenberg, drums (for a short time)
Menahem Herman, electric guitar
Leyb Yaacov Riegler, keyboards
and the students of the yeshiva

It is my favorite recording of Musa (berlim (at) bezeqint(dot)net; I have no
financial interest in this) and it captures much of the flavor of the
holiday. There is a short excerpt at our web site,
Follow the link to "further CD productions" and enjoy!

Joel Rubin


Jewish Cultural Programming and Research GbR
    Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble
    Jewish Music Series
    Chemjo Vinaver Collection

Dr. Joel E. Rubin * Rita Ottens
rubin (at) rubin-ottens(dot)com
simontov (at) compuserve(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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