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Re: gypsy caravan 2

> [...] there were 2 tubas and 2 euphoniums but no trombone. does anyone know, 
> is this a musicologilogical thing or just the way the ensemble worked out 
> reg. who they could find to play?

Balkan brass bands traditionally have no trombones. (Does someone on the list
actually know why?)
It's tuba (sometimes 2), 2-4 euphoniums and tapan (drum) for the rhythm, and
trumpets plus alto sax (less traditional) for the
melody. I heard one Rumanian band play tarogato (=sort of wooden soprano sax)
instead of the alto. 
The bigger Rumanian bands (like Fanfare Ciocarlia) also have 1-3 Eb clarinets
for the real fast stuff.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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