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Re: [klezkamp] recording devices

I've taken a Sony minidisc recorder and accompanying Sony microphone to
KlezKanada the last two years and have been very happy with the results -
much better than what I was getting in previous years with a good Marantz
tape recorder and quality mikes.

Steve Barnett wrote:
>What are you planning on recording at Klezcamp (I don't know what 
>goes on there)? Be careful, as there are some legal issues involved if you 
>are planning on recording concerts or even lecture/demos.

I haven't been to Klezkamp, but I assume that the same attitude prevails as
at KlezKanada concerning recordings. Basically, people are allowed to
record everything, including concerts, lectures/demos, classes etc. In
fact, students are encouraged to bring recording devices. Maybe we'd run
into trouble if we tried to make a profit on what we recorded, but these
are supposed to be educational settings. I wouldn't worry about this unless
you are told explicitly not to record something.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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