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Re:Re: MAX in Munich

I'd love to hear your concert sometime. I did
hope you would have a "nice show." Most of your
audience will be Germans too young to have
had any part in Nazi activities, and most of 
them wouldn't be able to tell if there are any mispronunciations of Yiddish. 
Maybe they
would even appreciate being told the "nasty"
truth about who Carl Orff was.

I don't think I was "out of line" in calling 
attention to the musical genius "native son" 
for whom the concert hall where you're performing is named and his 
less-than-praiseworthy past. Maybe the hall should be renamed for someone like 
Felix Mendelssohn, another musical genius who was supposed to have been 
superseded specifically by Orff because Felix (a Christian grandson of a Jew) 
wasn't Aryan enough.
A concert of Jewish music is valuable on its own; I'm just a little skeptical 
that all it takes
for the Jewish spirit to triumph is a concert on German soil. If you do ever 
play the Nurnberg Stadium, I'm sure there'd be many Jewish spirits you'd 
arouse. If so, then Leni Riefenstahl should be engaged to do the concert video.


---------- MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com writes:

In a message dated 10/30/2001 7:26:52 PM Central Standard Time, 
apikoyros (at) juno(dot)com writes:

> It's no reflection on the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band, (a gig is a gig) but 
> I am struck by the fact that the concert hall where they are performing is 
> named in honor of Carl Orff. 

Thanks for the non-reflection!  I assume you meant to say "Have a nice show!"

I hold to the opinion that having a klezmer music revival in Germany is 
already a great triumph for the Jewish spirit.  My only regret is that we're 
playing in Carl Orff Hall and not in the Nuremberg Stadium.  


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