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Re: [MLA-L] Ha-sela ha-adom "The red rock"

I am translating from a book called "Sefer Hashirim latalmid" (song book
for the student) edited by Gil Aldema and Natan Shachar. Tel-Aviv: Culture
and Education Enterprises Ltd., c1995. 2 vols.
This is from Vol. 2, p. 289.
"In the 1950's many Israelis dreamed of visiting the Nabatean city of
Petra which is the "sela ha'adom" (the red rock) in Jordan. A few tried
some succeeded. In 1954 a group of 5 tried to reach Petra but were killed
by Jordanian forces. Haim Hefer wrote the words and Yohanan Zar'ai, the
melody and the singer Arik Lavi sang the song. The song was not allowed to
be broadcast on the radio for a time in order not to encourage others to
try and reach Petra. After the signing of the peace treaty with Jordan,
Petra became a popular destination for Israeli tourists."

Ryna Kedar
Head, Acquisitions & Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center & Library
Tel-Aviv, Israel

On Wed, 3 Oct 2001, Jane Beebe wrote:

> Greetings Collective Wisdom -
> We are trying to determine the release date of a popular Hebrew song
> recorded by Aric Lavie entitled "Ha-sela ha-adom", or "The red rock."  His
> first name is also spelled Arik.
> We have danced all around the question but I have been unable to find song
> title info either on the Web or on OCLC. The song does exist in an 11 CD
> collection called "We grew up together" found at  It is on
> the CD of songs from the 50s but we cannot tell if it is recorded by Lavie.
> Thanks in advance -
> Jane Beebe and Ann Maggs
> Amherst College Music Library
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