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Re: Ha-sela ha-adom or Red rock (Israeli song)

In a message dated 10/4/1 9:16:39 AM, jabeebe (at) amherst(dot)edu writes:

<< A professor in the political science dept. at Amherst College is interested

in information about the popular Israeli song Ha-sela ha-adom. She has a

recording sung by Arik Lavie which we believe is from the 50s. We are trying

to identify when the song first became popular and if at all possible the

l >>

Unfortunately, there is little I can add to what you already know. The 
recording by Arik Lavie (one of my favorites) is now on CD was originally 
released in the 60's (according to the back of the CD).

There is an interesting story about this place. I don't know if it was due to 
the song or not, but because the location (in the song) was so beautiful, 
many young Israelis would hike up there--and were killed by Jordanian snipers 
who would be lying in wait.

Wish I could help you with more info.

By the way, how is YOUR Jewish Music Library??? We would like very much to 
supply you with the best in Jewish Music.

Please visit our web site at:

Thank You,
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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