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nusach this week

this has been a very busy and emotional high holiday season.  i wish everyone a 
shanna tova umetuka.   

monday night's live show will be another special show.  at 9pm eastern we will 
air cantor Richard Tucker and choir with the Kol Niedre service.  this 
recording is a favorite of many and a very classical version of the service.

at 10pm we will air the very dramatic kol niedre service of Cantor Moshe 
Oysher.  If you have never heard this version of the Kol Niedre service, plan 
to listen tomorrow (monday) night.  it is something that is not to be missed.   

the best way to access the show is from our website and clicking on the link 
for the live show.

should netscape be down for some reason an alternative way to access the show 
is by going to and doing a search for nusach.  our 4 stations will 
come up and you have to choose the live station and then listen.  (my web site 
link does all this automatically for you)

have a good week and good yom kippur.   there will be no live show on thursday 
night as i will be physically and emotionally spent.

Winston Weilheimer
Nusach, THE ORIGINAL SOUL MUSIC! more from the Web.  FREE MSN Explorer 
download :

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