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Fwd: The First Buenos Aires Klezmer Festival

Did I forward this to the list earlier? If not, I apologize.


> From: "LILIDANY" <lilidany (at) feedback(dot)net(dot)ar>
> To: <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
> Subject: The First Buenos Aires Klezmer Festival
> Hi !!
>         I am Danny Saltzman, journalist and music programmer of Radio Jai,
> The Jewish Radio in Latin America, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
>         We broadcast Jewish music including Jasidic, Klezmer, Israeli,
> Yiddish and Ladino, in a 24 hours, 7 days a week radio station.
>         We start broadcast in 1992, after the first bomb attack to the
> Israeli Embassy in Argentina, and we still  ®on air®.
>         In the past years we have organized concerts for The Klezmatics,
> Guiora Feidman, and Aufwind in Argentina and also in Chile.
>         We have put now our Radio on line in the
> <>
>         I send this e mail, first to say that your web page is a permanent
> reference to us of the klezmer music world, and second, to tell to you and
> your visitors that we are involved in the organization of the first Buenos
> Aires Klezmer Festival between the 21 and the 26 november 2001.
>         The Festival will be a very important oportunity to go ahead with the
> rebuild of our community, shocked after the second terrorist attack to the
> AMIA¥s building in July 18, 1994.
>         We are now in the preselection stage of the bands who will come to
> perform in November, and we hope will be a great succes and a great start for
> a new Klez Fest in the world.
>         If you want more information about the BAKF, please tell to us and we
> will send more details.
>         We have received more than 80 demos, cd¥s and press brochures, so we
> work hard to decide wich bands will be the pioneers to arrive to Buenos
> Aires.
>         Thanks for all, and we look for your comments, and if you can put
> this notice in your page, we are sure that will arrive to all the klezmer
> bands in the world.
>                                 Danny
> Saltzman                                    Micky Steuermann
>                         Journalist - Music
> Programmer                          Director General

> Contact: lilidany (at) feedback(dot)net(dot)ar

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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