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Fwd: The First Buenos Aires Klezmer Festival

From: "LILIDANY" <lilidany (at) feedback(dot)net(dot)ar>
Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 00:29:53 -0300

Hi !!
        I am Danny Saltzman, journalist and music programmer of Radio Jai, The 
Jewish Radio in Latin America, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
        We broadcast Jewish music including Jasidic, Klezmer, Israeli, Yiddish 
and Ladino, in a 24 hours, 7 days a week radio station.
        We start broadcast in 1992, after the first bomb attack to the Israeli 
Embassy in Argentina, and we still  ¨on air¨.
        In the past years we have organized concerts for The Klezmatics, Guiora 
Feidman, and Aufwind in Argentina and also in Chile.
        We have put now our Radio on line in the 
        I send this e mail, first to say that your web page is a permanent 
reference to us of the klezmer music world, and second, to tell to you and your 
visitors that we are involved in the organization of the first Buenos Aires 
Klezmer Festival between the 21 and the 26 november 2001.
        The Festival will be a very important oportunity to go ahead with the 
rebuild of our community, shocked after the second terrorist attack to the 
AMIA´s building in July 18, 1994.
        We are now in the preselection stage of the bands who will come to 
perform in November, and we hope will be a great succes and a great start for a 
new Klez Fest in the world.
        If you want more information about the BAKF, please tell to us and we 
will send more details.
        We have received more than 80 demos, cd´s and press brochures, so we 
work hard to decide wich bands will be the pioneers to arrive to Buenos Aires.
        Thanks for all, and we look for your comments, and if you can put this 
notice in your page, we are sure that will arrive to all the klezmer bands in 
the world.
                                Danny Saltzman                                  
  Micky Steuermann
                        Journalist - Music Programmer                          
Director General
 lilidany (at) feedback(dot)net(dot)ar

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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