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Re: Does anyone know of . . .

In a message dated 9/5/01 2:37:27 PM, GRComm (at) concentric(dot)net writes:

I know I'm going to be sorry I asked this question but does anyone know
of a website/directory/reference book that would tell me the Jewishness
of classical composers -- some of them pretty darned obscure? >>

Oh my gosh! I've been searching and searching just yesterday and today for 
the same thing. (I was trying to make a Bernhard Romberg Jewish and couldn't 
find any validation for that and it totally flipped over a program I was 
planning....Ya know, Sigmund was, figured Bernie would be as well. Anyone 
know for sure yes or no???)

Anyway, I found a fairly good list on Jewhoo.

Does anyone include Fritz Kriesler on their list of Jewish composers. 
Apparently he gets put in both Catholic and Jewish categories??
Also, am I the last to find out that Bizet was not Jewish? How come some 
Cantorial concerts include an excerpt from Carmen- I think....I'd love to 
know the scoop behind Bizet's identity.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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