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Re: Does anyone know of . . .

Lyman, Darryl,1944-Great Jews in music /by Darryl Lyman.Middle Village, N.Y. 
:J. David Publishers,c1986.326 p. :ill. ;29 cm.Includes index

and for other assimilated Jewish musicians:

Saleski, Gdal,1888-Famous musicians of a wandering race ;biographical sketches 
of outstanding figures of Jewish origin in the musical world,by Gdal 
Saleski.New York :Bloch publishing company,1927.xiv p., 1 <<(script l)>>., 463 
p.illus. (incl. ports.) 24 cm.

I use the following for primary biographical information on musicians who did 
work in Jewish idioms. Both are out of print but seem to be fairly accurate:

Friedmann, Aron,1855-1936.Lebensbilder berühmter Kantoren...Hrsg. von Königl. 
Musikdirektor Aron FriedmannBerlin :C. Boas Nchf. :Hilfskasse,1918-27.3 v. 
:fronts. (ports.) fold. pl. (music) ;23 cm.Biographies of various cantors.V. 1: 
Zum 100. Geburtstage des verdienstvollen Oberkantors der Breslauer 
Synagogengemeinde weiland Moritz Deutsch; V. 2: Zum 100. Geburtstage des 
königlichen Musikdirektors Professor weiland Louis Lewandowski; V. 3: Nebst 
einem Anhang "Zur Geschichte des jüdischen Kantorats: Der Vorbeter". Den 
Andenken Josef Singer.

Kultur-treger fun der Idisher liturgye = Kulturträger von der jüdischen 
Liturgie :historish-biyografisher iberbli\  iber hazanut, hazonim un 
dirizsharn. = .Kulturträger von der jüdischen Liturgie. Kulturträger von der 
jüdischen LiturgieDetroit, Mich. :s.n.,1930.xv, 351 p. :ill., port. ;24 cm.In 

At 04:08 PM 9/5/01 -0500, you wrote:
>At 02:36 PM 9/5/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>>Khaverim --
>>I know I'm going to be sorry I asked this question but does anyone know
>>of a website/directory/reference book that would tell me the Jewishness
>>of classical composers -- some of them pretty darned obscure?
>>Shanah tovah,
>>George Robinson
>Great Jews in Music is a book I use, not too scholarly and he identifies 
>people with Jewish backgrounds as Jews who I (or Halachah) wouldn't sometimes, 
>although he does make their precise backgrounds clear.  Not great for the most 
>contemporary composers.  Can't remember the author.
>Alex Lubet, Ph. D.
>Morse Alumni Distinguished Teaching Professor of Music
>Adjunct Professor of American and Jewish Studies
>University of Minnesota
>100 Ferguson Hall
>Minneapolis, MN 55455
>612 624-7840 (o)
>612 699-1097 (h)
>612 624-8001  ATTN:  Alex Lubet (FAX)

Dr. Eliott Kahn
Music Archivist
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
WK: (212) 678-8076
FAX (212) 678-8998
elkahn (at) jtsa(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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