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Re: KlezKanada

on 8/28/01 7:42 PM, Lori Cahan-Simon at l_cahan (at) staff(dot)chuh(dot)org 

> Hey--
> Someone tell us about KlezKanada, already!

It was a schlep and a half to get there, followed by significant amounts of
schlepping from this place to that, accompanied by prodigious and eloquent
kvetching and not enough sleep.

Seriously though, we had a great time. Beverly and I parked ourselves and
our 300+ strings worth of tsimbls in Joshua Horowitz' tsimbl class for much
of the day (have we kvetched yet about all of the tuning, oy the tuning?),
much kvelling to Josh, Zev, Kurt and Stuart for their wisdom and willingness
to share it! We also attended Kurt Bjorlings' doina class, excellent!, and I
snuck away from the tsimblers to play mandola with the mandolin orchestra.

Highlights of the week included Zev Feldmans' and Sam Weiss' lectures (why
do they schedule everything I want to attend at the exact same time?),
learning that Doinas are not only a tune, but also a cigarette, and putting
faces to names of other folks on this list. Of course the concerts were too
long, jamming was great (did I mention not enough sleep?), but about the
lukewarm liquid masquerading as "coffee", oy...

All in all, it was a great week, they do a wonderful job of putting together
the festival, I've got to go recuperate some more from all that fun.


Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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