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Klezfest, 2001


So the participants of the first Klezfest, 2000 in Ukraine have said each
other on  last
year summer. And they have constrained a word.
KlezFest supported by Jewish Community Development Fund (NY), a project of
American Jewish World
Service, announced today that it would be able to enlarge this year's
KlezFest to take place in Evpatoria, at the
Planeta Hotel from August, 28 - September, 2 from 25 participants to 39
thanks to a grant from the International
Renaissance Foundation.
Yana Yanover, Director of the Center and organizer of the project along with
her husband Boris Yanover
said: "We were especially pleased because we had already received more than
100 extremely well qualified
applicants, many of them from cities which did not send musicians or singers
last year.  And now we will be
able o admits at least 39 of them. And our American sponsors will also be
pleased since their director,
Martin Horwitz, is always telling us: "Our donors like to see local
partners. It means that people in your own city
also value your project."
Due the help of the above-mentioned sponsors, the organizers of Klezfest,
2001 were able to invite such
well known musicians like the Director of Jewish theatre "Folksbineh" Zalmen
Mlotek (USA), well known
Yiddish songs singer Adrienne Cooper (USA), and Merlin Shepherd,  Music
Director for The
Royal National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company and Shakespeare's Globe
39 musicians and actors from Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Russia, Byelorussia,
Latvia and
Estonia will gather to develop their skills at master classes. The scenic
skill will teach
Eugenia Monarch (Kiev), the history of the Jewish theatre will teach Alina
Ivah (Kazan).
There are individual master classes, theoretical lectures and jam sessions
in the program of Klezfest.  All
participants can show their skills in improvisation, which always was a
highlight of
klezmer music. It is necessary to tell, that, having perfected the skill at
a last year's
Klezfest, 2000, many participants became the winners of prestigious musical
That is why new Klezfest, 2001 is expected with the great impatience not
only by
Jewish Organizations of Crimea showed the big interest to Klezfest, 2001.
The final
Gala concert will take place at Simferopol with kind support of "Hesed
For further information contact, please:
Jewish Community development Fund in Russia and Ukraine, a project of
American Jewish
World Service
jdcf (at) ajws(dot)org ,  212-273-1642

The Center of Jewish Education in Ukraine
Center (at) cjeu(dot)carrier(dot)kiev(dot)ua, 380-44-2767431

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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