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Re: Arrangements

Mazl tov, Lori.  I'm sure you will have hordes clamoring for them.
Count the W.C.K.O. in for at least one.

MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com wrote:

> In a message dated 8/10/2001 2:12:16 AM Central Daylight Time,
> amrocks (at) optushome(dot)com(dot)au writes:
>> Are there recordings (other than Klezmer Conservatory) &
>> > arrangements for large ensmebles available? I've done
>> > several of my own & intend to post these on our soon to be
>> > established web site.
> This is a pre-announcement:
> Maxwell Street Klezmer Band will shortly have a publication with Tara
> Music
> comprising nine traditional and one original klezmer "big band"
> arrangements.
>  The parts are written so that it is not necessary to have all the
> instruments in your band for the arrangement to work.  I am hoping to
> hear
> lierally any day from Vel that it is ready.
> Lori Lippitz

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