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In a message dated 8/10/2001 2:12:16 AM Central Daylight Time, 
amrocks (at) optushome(dot)com(dot)au writes:

> Are there recordings (other than Klezmer Conservatory) &
> > arrangements for large ensmebles available? I've done
> > several of my own & intend to post these on our soon to be
> > established web site.

This is a pre-announcement:
Maxwell Street Klezmer Band will shortly have a publication with Tara Music 
comprising nine traditional and one original klezmer "big band" arrangements. 
 The parts are written so that it is not necessary to have all the 
instruments in your band for the arrangement to work.  I am hoping to hear 
lierally any day from Vel that it is ready.  

Lori Lippitz

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