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Re: Sinatra

In a message dated 7/25/01 12:26:25 PM, goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<<      If you want to hear clear as a bell intonation listen to Ella 
or Mabel Mercer(who Sinatra credited with teaching him how to sing). 
Regardless of his breath and intonation problems, I still tell people who 
want to really learn how to sing, to listen to Frankie. The technique may 
not be perfect but the heart and soul are wonderful...and singing is much 
more than hitting the right notes all of the time. For example: Nina Simone, 
constantly sings off key, but her emotion always carries the words and the 
    Trudi >>

Saw Nina Simone years ago (1967?) at Portsmouth Town Hall, England (touring 
with Dick Gregory!) Still remember the concert.
Sinatra? absolutely, the art is in the interpretation and the individuality 
of expression, not an adherance to established technique and rules. 
Any art form.

Alan Falk

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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