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Re: Sephardic Jews in music

I have a vague recollection of Torme saying in his autobiography that
his family was Polish and changed the spelling of a much longer name. I
don't have a copy on hand, so I can't check, but if that's true he
probably wasn't Sephardic.

And Robert, what did Eydie buy?

George Robinson

Robert Cohen wrote:
> Eydie Gorme (rhymes with Torme, anyway) was also Sephardic Jewish--and,
> surely of primary relevance--was a customer in my father's (o"h) grocery
> store on Second Avenue.  As was Steve.
> --Robert Cohen
> >Since this is a Jewish music list, let's not forget the great Mel
> >Torme--what a musician, with exquisite intonation whether singing solo or
> >harmony. But one might not call his singing emotional.
> >He was descended from Sephardic Jews--the family's name was Torma--as I
> >believe was the great Jazz drummer Buddy Rich.
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me the literary industry would not exist: the publishers, the
agents, the sub-agents, the sub-sub-agents, the accountants,
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the theses, the books of criticism, the reviewers, the book
pages -- all this vast and proliferating edifice is because
of this small, patronized, put-down and underpaid person.'"
                        --Doris Lessing

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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