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Re: large instrument transportation

I don?t exactly know the current protocol for large instruments but I assume 
that, since I?m no longer a just a flutist, I?ll need to know all the info as 
well sometime in the near future. But, I can tell you that I literally 
watched a cello - in a hard case - get separately loaded onto the plane. It 
was horrifyingly comical, if such an oxymoron can be used. The cello was 
being driven on top of a truck, on top of other items, not seemingly all 
luggage but ski equipment, etc., but literally swiveling in its position on 
the truck. The truck was going VERY fast and making quick turns, almost like 
an amusement ride, nearly knocking the cello off the cart or truck. I 
remember many of us screaming from the inside of the glassed in area. Bottom 
line is, as you?ve probably seen on behind-the-scenes ?20/20? or 60 minutes 
or something, things are rarely handled with any kind of care and you can 
pretty much expect the worst. I believe the common way of securing your 
instrument is to carry it on either by purchasing a seat or having them take 
it into the ?closet? in the cabin. At least you can see it. If the cello has 
very little monetary value then maybe damage caused by mishandling could more 
than pay for a better cello? Do remember that it will have to be loaded on 
top of the scanning table and that, unless you speak up, they?ll start 
unzipping the case or whatever and not have much concern for its well-being; 
they?re concerned with hidden items or whatever, so careful handling is 
rarely their issue...
?happy? flying...

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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