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What happened to MURRAY LEHRER

I have recordings of Murray Lehrer and his Ensemble, vol 1,2,3).
The Discography :

Request Records SRLP 10102 (probably late 1950's)
"Freilachs For Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Other  Celebrations, Volume 1"
with Dave Tarras - clarinet; Lou Levin -trumpet(?)
other instrument: drums, bass, piano, accordion (?)
(Freedman Catalogue T-oo7c)
NOTE This LP is also published by Period Recordings RL 1906
with the title "Freilach in Hi-Fi Jewish Wedding Dances"
Duplicated on Album K-28 as The Joseph Korda Players

Request Records SRLP 10103 (probably late 1950's)
"Freilachs For Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Other  Celebrations, Volume 2"
with Dave Tarras - clarinet; Lou Levin -trumpet  (?)
(Freedman Catalogue T-oo7e)
NOTE This LP is also published by Period Recordings RL 1916
with the title "Freylekh in Hi-Fi" (is this correct?)

Request Records SRLP 10082 (probably late 1950's)
"Freilachs For Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs & Other  Celebrations, Volume 3"
with Dave Tarras - clarinet; Lou Levin -trumpet
(Freedman Catalogue T-oo7k)

see also Freedman Cataloque T-013a
(Is this a compilation LP ?)

Who can help with the questions?
- Are the discographical data correct?
- Can anyone tell something about Murray Lehrer
because I was surprised not to find his name in
Rita Ottens/Joel Rubin : Klezmer Musik; or
Henry Sapoznik's: Klezmer, Jewish Music from Old World to Our World.
Questions are:
- where and when did he live, or is still alive?
- what was his profession, (musical director?), did he play an instrument
- did he play any other music?
- did he made any more klezmer recordings?

Cornelis van Sliedregt
(tsimbl playing member of the Westfriese KLZMR banD, in The Netherlands)  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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