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RE: What happened to MURRAY LEHRER

Cornelis van Sliedregt [mailto:sliedregt (at) knoware(dot)nl] wrote:

Questions are:
- where and when did he live, or is still alive?
- what was his profession, (musical director?), did he play an instrument
- did he play any other music?
- did he made any more klezmer recordings?

Maybe someone can offer more information, but Murray Lehrer does not appear in 
my 1937 American Federation of Musicians Local 802 directory. The Social 
Security Death Benefits Index (at, perhaps elsewhere on 
the net too) lists three Murray Lehrers who died after 1962. One, whose dates 
are 1894-1966, resided in Westchester, NY; another, 1910-1983, at Pompano 
Beach, Florida; and finally, 1917-1986, at Nassau, NY. I'd vote for the last 
one, since he wasn't in the union in 1937. The final possibility is that he is 
still alive.  Period/Request records had some interesting releases. I think the 
Period label dates from the late '50s, and Request was active in the '60s and 
'70s, reissuing Period.

Paul Gifford

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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