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new jewish music

All reactions on my question (22,06,2001), reactions on the reactions, made
me still confused what to think about "new jewish music"

Lenka, thanks for the information;
Seth, for the more or less definition
"music with the feeling that comes across of how deeply grounded in
tradition this music and these songs are"
Yakov, for explaining Mikveh plays straight-up traditional Yiddish music
with unusual repertoire.
Ari, for all those reactions and attempt for identifying something new (a
new phenomenon). My confusion was the term "new jewish music" which I
already knew from B.O.W. "Blood Oranges" and didn't fit to the music you
have labeled as new jewish music. Perhaps "new yiddish music" is also
possible, since there is more songs than instrumental music on the CD's you
Hankus, thanks for the definition: "New Jewish music is music that uses a
"Jewish" cultural or musical base as a point of departure" (A.Bern)
I found the article: "From Klezmer to New Jewish Music" with the subtitle
"The musical evolution of Brave Old World". 1998 It can be found on
Ari, for "Klezmer music is very much an ongoing amalgation of "new" jewish
Yakov, thanks for the definition:
World music is lumped together of non-American cultures" David Byrne
(Is this correct?) and
"Generic world music is basically something with a foreign-sounding beat,
heard by an uninformed listener".
Leopold "Lee", thanks for the differentiated approach. I mean in Dutch,
"ge-nuaceerd", translated as: in gradiations.
Alex, thanks for explaining another meaning of "new jewish music" as
"music in comtemporary Western art music style with Sacred Hebrew texts,
grounding in nusach, and/or traditional Jewish cantus firmus.
The term "New music" is often used to refer to contemporary classical

Now to continue or to stop this discussion of trying to make a definition of
a certain musical style. Here is what I found as labels.
We can just going on labeling or to avoid any labeling at all.

music - any music by any people
new music - contemporary classic music
folk music - music by folkies
modern jewish music - classical rooted music by jews
new jewish music - contemporary Western art music by jews with jewish
musical origins

klezmer - music of klezmorim  (jewish musicians)
traditional instrumental music of East-European Jews a.k.a. klezmer
(definition of Merlin Shepherd)
American klezmer - fusion of European Jewish styles (Dave Tarras etc.)
European klezmer music - Khevrisa CD-title
Traditional Klezmer - (early American Klezmer?)
Jewish world-music or Jewish-world music
contemporary jewish music
authentic jewish music
yiddish music
new yiddish music
Yiddish Theatre music
Yiddish Vaudeville (The Original Klezmer Jazz Band)
Chassidic music (Nigunim?)
Hassidic New Wave ( Frank London)
Hebrew music
Klezjazz (?Yale Strom?/ Klezmokum/ The Modern Klezmer Quartet)

How can we label David Krakauer's music?
If you like to add or sum up: Go ahead

I think this will do ;-)
All the best
Cornelis van Sliedregt
(Tsimbalist of the Westfriese KLZMR banD, The Netherlands)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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