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Re: What is Jewish Music redux?

Eliott, I don't know where you live but your e-mail -- at JTS -- shows that you 
at least have some connections to the JTS in New York. If you indeed live in 
New York that should explain some of the difference between your view and 
Alex's view. I went down to Nashville... it's like a whole different UNIVERSE 
down there. Remember that Easter "B.C." comic strip with the dying menorah? A 
Nashville high school used that theme in their MARCHING BAND DRILL. There's 
some pretty sick stuff going on.

(By the way, Johnny Hart thought he was actually somehow PAYING HOMAGE to 
Judaism with his strip. It's pretty amazing, but I believe it. He was born and 
bred in a bible town. He's just totally ignorant.)

-Yakov (high school graduation tomorrow!)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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