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Re: What is Jewish Music redux?

> > _________________________________________________________________
>In my younger days, I accepted a few commssions from churches on the condition 
>that I approve the texts, which had to be 'Old Testament' and in a translation 
>found acceptable.  I had much better luck getting these commissions, from 
>churches where people thought that having something 'Jewish-sounding' would 
>connect them with their 'roots.'
>I won't do it now.  I've seen too much misappropriation of Jewish culture and 
>simply refuse to advance Christian worship through my work.  (On the other 
>as much as I reject all Christian teachings, I wouldn't call something many of 
>my friends believe in wholeheartedly 'narishkeyt,' out of the same respect for 
>their believe that I wish they would have for mine.)


It's unfortunate that you have had so many bad experiences related to 
"misappropriation of Jewish culture." In my five years of conducting Methodist 
church choirs and sometimes even performing my music with them, I found nothing 
from my singers and congregants but the most extreme curiosity and respect for 
our traditions. That would also include the Passover Seders I officiated at in 
their churches.

While I admit I do not care to perform Christian liturgical music 
anymore--because I believe I have a much better handle on Jewish liturgical 
music and could do a far better job with it--I am always glad to speak and 
share ideas with any church group who asks me to. 

I can't speak about the Penetcostal churches of which you refer, and I am well 
aware that there may certainly be antisemitism in the more fundamentalist 
Christian churches, but I have never experienced anything but profound respect 
for Jewish people and Jewish learning in the Liberal Protestant and Catholic 
churches that I have visited.

Could these people say the same things about our synagogues? Could they say the 
same things about this List?

Eliott Kahn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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