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Re: neil diamond.....

on 6/22/01 4:09 PM, Seth Rogovoy at rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net wrote:

> yes, but it's not so much the KISS part (although that's nothing to boast
> about) as it is his
> despicable attitudes (about Jews, women, Americans, etc.) as presented in
> the interview.


Is this interview online anywhere? I probably need to read this in case one
of my guitar students wants to learn a KISS song...

So far no one's asked for Kiss, but I've given more than a few mini-lectures
as to the reasons, such as homophobia, sexism, rascism..., as to why I
wouldn't teach a student some particular song or another. Gotta love it,
music teacher and instructor of social, cultural and philosophical studies,
all for the same low price!

gut shabbes all  


Seth Austen
emails: seth (at) sethausten(dot)com
klezmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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