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Re: Israeli music (2 items)

At 05:36 PM 6/7/2001 +0000, you wrote:
>>Classic Israeli rock, though, for that, listen to the Tammuz album. >First 
>>band to get the audience actually up and dancing. Light show, >even!
>When did they play?  The Diaspora Yeshiva Band (70s, more or less--I'd have 
>to and can check; quintessential 60s product) certainly got folks very much 
>up and dancing.  Be interesting to hear Tammuz, though.

Diaspora Yeshiva Band had no particular influence on Israeli music or culture 
(at least, none that I am aware of), nor were Israelis particularly aware of 
it--it was very much a band of and for Americans who came to Israel to study in 
Israeli Yeshivas. It would be like comparing Debbie Friedman and Bob Dylan.

For what it's worth, I think that Tammuz also predated DYB by a year or two. 


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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