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Re: Israeli music (2 items)

In a message dated 6/7/01 2:09:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time, ari (at) 

> Diaspora Yeshiva Band had no particular influence on Israeli music or 
> culture (at least, none that I am aware of), nor were Israelis particularly 
> aware of it--it was very much a band of and for Americans who came to 
> Israel to study in Israeli Yeshivas. It would be like comparing Debbie 
> Friedman and Bob Dylan.

There was some crossover, though, because for a couple of years, Diaspora did 
have songs in the Israeli Chassidic Song Festival, and I think maybe even a 
winner or two. Israelis paying attention to more religious oriented music 
would have known them for that. Also, they very frequently backed up Shlomo 
Carlebach. They probably were not as well known in the more secular Israeli 
music world. 

Jordan Hirsch

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