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What is Jewish Music - the Metaquestion

I haven't closely followed the frequent discussions on this list about what
is Jewish music, so I might be raising a question that has already been
discussed.  It is, actually a question about the question.

What does the fact that we are constantly discussing what is Jewish music
say about us?  Do Hungarians wonder what is Hungarian music?

and I have another question:  this wretched genre of "Jew Rock" - imitation
rock or bigband settings of religious texts that get played at orthodox
weddings - is that Jewish music?  Musically, it has nothing to do with
Jewish musical tradition, does it?

Joel Epstein
Moshav Magshimim, Israel
tel: 972-3-9333316
fax: 972-9338751
yoel (at) netvision(dot)net(dot)il

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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